As cities grow and become more densely populated, the need for effective noise control for residents from civil infrastructure and industry becomes more and more essential. Strategic sound management plays a key part in ensuring that the spaces and places that our families inhabit are a comfortable and safe place for all the at live there. Although noise walls are not the only thing that protects these paces from noise pollution, they play a key role in the overall sound management design of new urban areas.
Strategic sound management
Strategic sound management involves the planning and implementation of a noise reduction and containment strategy. Taking a wholistic approach to the reduction and containment of noise pollution allows new and existing urban areas to provide the best possible environment for their communities to thrive; especially in areas that are subject to high noise levels form civil infrastructure or industry.
Sound strategies in urban planning
Implementing sound strategies in urban planning involves the following components:
- Assessment of noise levels: monitoring and documenting existing noise levels before urban development. This done by mapping noise levels from traffic and other noise polluters and mapping it over time.
- Design and implementation of noise walls or barriers: Once the noise pollution levels have been assessed the next process is to come up with a suitable design for a noise wall that provides the correct amount of noise protection for the specific area. During this design process factors such as form, location and specific functions will be taken into account.
- Monitoring and maintenance: When the correct noise wall has been designed and installed on going monitoring and maintenance should be observed to maintain effective protection against noise pollution.
The role of noise walls in modern infrastructure
Noise walls, also known as sound proof walls, are solid structures designed to block or reduce the intensity of sound waves. These walls are commonly used along highways, railways, and industrial areas to protect residential and commercial zones from excessive noise.
- Reduction in traffic noise: A noise wall’s prime function is to block sound waves. When used in an application along the alignment of a road or a railway they are able to divert the sound waves in either an vertical direction so the sound travels above the residential housing or in a lateral direction away from residential housing.
- Environmental protection: whilst noise walls are primarily designed to protect humans they can also protect wildlife from noise pollution. Whether it be from captive communities of animals such as in a zoo or a medical facility or wild communities.
- Enhanced quality of life: By protecting people and in some cases animals from noise pollution; noise wall play an important part of increasing quality of life for the groups that live in their vicinity.
Design in noise walls and soundproof barriers
Noise walls and soundproof barriers can be designed in many different ways. When imagining these structures many design elements are considered.
- Visual appearance. How will the noise wall look? How will the noise wall become part o the natural or built environment in which it stands and operates. What are the possibilities to make it not only functional but also become a piece of public design that will stand the test o time. Are there cultural elements that reflect the environment in which it stands the can be incorporated into its design.
- Noise walls can be made with many different materials. In the design process when choosing materials consideration will be given to the materials density – how many kilograms per square meter to achieve the desired noise reduction. Availability of materials – what is available locally and what can be sourced for the correct price and with an acceptable lead time. Sustainability – what can the noise wall be made out of that is recycled or has the lowest carbon footprint.
- As design of the noise wall progresses how are the materials that have been selected going to affect the budget of the project. Are there alternatives that may be more cost effective whilst still achieving the required design elements and sustainability requirements.
Strategic sound management is a critical aspect of modern urban planning. The implementation of effective sound strategies, including the use of noise walls and acoustic fences, plays a vital role in mitigating noise pollution. These structures not only enhance the quality of life for residents but also contribute to environmental protection. As urban areas continue to grow, the importance of sound management will only increase, making noise walls and acoustic fences indispensable components of modern infrastructure.